In an ever changing world, with more and more people. Our Inalienable Rights, seem to diminish all the Time. We want ALL of our rights back. We want the Government Over-Reach to End. That is why we Lobby. We use the System, to WIN by lobbying for matters that truly affect our rights.
This is our current list of issues. As our list grows, we will update our list, as soon as possible. Please stay tuned, more issues to come.
Our Issues Today
Medical Marijuana & Natural Medicine
The Pharmaceutical Industry has created a system in which your only option to treat yourself is with man made medicine. Americans should be able to choose natural medicine without interference from the Government.
Property is a Constitutional Right and the Very Bed Rock of the American Dream. Thru taxation the Government has taken Private Property.
Criminal Justice Reform
Anyone you ask will tell you 1 of 2 things about Americas criminal justice system, it is broken or works just like its supposed to. Either way it is filling up beds, draining resources and unnecessarily taking peoples lives away. We want to reform the system so that Criminals Pay those that simply need help, get what they need to be better citizens.